looks around
"Still no good."
Oh, well. Time to wake up, anyway.
So, my humps, I see the comments never flagged around here-thanks to Rob and Jake. Well, sooo much has happened and un-happened in the several months since last I blog-ged. No need to go into detail. Suffice to say nothing has changed at all.
I have lost a few of my dear little kittens, but I'm the only one who would care, so nevermind. I'll just start a cat lady blog and bore different people with all that.
I think I'll start drawing again. There's a contest I've been eyeing to that purpose. More on that as it either develops or fails to develop.
I'm glad Jakester has picked up a WACOM. I couldn't do without mine. I highly recommend it to all-drawers or no. Jake, do be mindful of the dread carpal tunnel syndrome, please. The stylus will lend itself to repetitive motion, especially when coloring. You go, boy! See you next weekend.
Let's much has happened in the world lately. Oh, well who cares what I think about all that? If you know me, you already are tired of hearing about it.
I'll give a shout out to my sister and her husband for running the big River Run here in a couple of days. I think it's either their 4th or 5th. Way to go, oldtimers!!!:)
Yes. I just did that :) thing. So what?
I'll shout out a big March Birthday thing here...Happy birthday to the following:
Vesper...the 12th?
Frank...the 15th
Me and 'Retha Franklin...the 25th.
I'll add more as my ancient memory allows.
'Kaaaay. I'll go now. Wouldn't want to spoil you with an insightful entry-oh incidentally, I do have to ask a pointed, rhetorical question..
Do many bloggers blog about cool, real-life stories in which they always win and are the most clever person they know? I know of at least one.
PS: Check this lovely shot Frank sent in. He must comb the interwobs a lot.

Woo hoo! She's alive!
Yep. I ran out of bullets before I got to me. Darn it.
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