Until then, please waste the time you intended to waste here visiting something that I personally cannot get enough of:
Just keep hitting the "Try Again"..I love it!
My birthday passed sleeplessly as I worked on the contest submission. Got some cards, fruit, and amusing, clever gift certificates-Thanks to those of you who remembered poor OLD me. At some point, I do intend to go a-drinking. Interested parties may contact me for details.
Also, here's some old thing I'm dredging up. I don't even know what I'm gonna pick yet. How exciting and unpredictable of me.

oooo. That was unpredictable. I saved my TIFF as a JPeg and got the weird-o color. I did it again and it was fine. Weird.
Well, I hope everyone will call a policewoman (and apparently cop a feel) instead of picking up guns from the garbage from now on.
Y'know, I kinda like the Andorian version.
Arr, and do be sure to be a-lettin' me know when ye be ready to go a-drinkin'.
Andorian? Very funny,Rob-o
Well, so far you're the only one who's up fer drinkin". Any favorite waterin' holes, matey?
Arr, i'm not the big pub-crawling party animal I was, well . . . erm.
Anyway, Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub out at the beach has a good selection of food and drink.
I don't know if they have rum, but they do have Bass Ale . . .
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