Me cat, Wheezy Sasha, would like to remind ye all that...
Talk Like A Pirate Day is September 19th!
As a public service, I'm going to post up a link (sent just in time by that sea dog, Cap'n Frank) to help out with that awkward silence that follows when everyone in the office has said "Ahr!" a few times and can think of nothing else to say.
Important Pirate Filmstrip
Also, the Official Talk Like a Pirate Day website. "Accept no substitutes."
Good jabberin' to ye all, ye scurvy dogs!
The Possum Pirate!
Well shiver me timbers! Hoist anchor and avast maties! er...Peg legs and hooks...and...eye patches. *coughs* Avast...anchors...barnacles. Sorry.
John "Smallbeard the Pirate" Biemeret
Which would be exhibit "A" in favor of the need for the Pirate Filmstrip.
Arr, remember, ye skirvvy dogs, to be eatin' yer spinich from a CAN and not from a land-lubbin' plastic baggie!
So now, Ninjas be cool, true, but be they cooler than Pirates?
Arrh, did ye' all enjoy sayin' "poopdeck?"
Further proof that Pirates Are Cool:
This weekend Lewes, Delaware, celebrated its 375th anniversary
with a pirate attack on the town.
Also, they sacked a RenFAire:
Arrr, Huzzah!
check this out. Morphine really does make the holy known, Uncle Lina!
Don't they have some kinda pirate thing up in Fernendina Beach?
>Uncle Lina
Heh. Just recently decyphered a long-time Mondegreen
ER, that is, just recently decyphered a long-time Mondegreen of mine -- it's not "Do I ... Dig That Girl," rather, it's "Spill the Wine, Take that Pearl."
Good grief, is it _october_ allready?
Good Grief!
See you all soon here.....
The Philosophy of Cats
NOTE: I have no idea what it all means, but what I do understand makes me giggle.
Cats and bioethics
Q: Why do cats like ethics so much, especially bioethics?
A: There are 3 answers to this question:
- Because ethics is the opiate of the feline masses, as it helps the whiskered intellectuals avoid the migraines of theology.
- Because ethics enables feline scientists to sit on feline religious commissions.
- Because ethics permits the departure of professionalism from spirituality, a possibility of which cats are particularly fond.
Feline Misanthropism, Overthrown
Q: What is the single most damning refutation of the feline argument against the existence of man?
A: The discovery of the dark background on the reverse side of the mirror.
Q: Why are most cats, who are secularists, in psychotherapy?
A: Because they do not want to go to church.
Q: Why are cats materialists?
A: Because, in their fear of the Outside, they have found it more comforting to disbelieve anything metaphysical, especially God. Some cats, however, cannot avoid thinking about the Outside. Of these, some despair. Others take the more acceptable feline path of catnip addiction. Most cats agree that the only survivable mystical path is belief in God and His reflection in the existence of humans. But it is better, these same cats propose, not to admit the metaphysical at all. Nihilism and catnip are generally always preferred to religion.
Q: What is the main reason why so many cats refuse to believe in God?
A: Because belief in God would make necessary a corollary belief in humans, and we wouldn't want that, would we?
Q: Do cats believe in Intelligent Design?
A: No. Remember that they are cats, after all, and natural selection seems -- to them -- to have worked rather well.
Feline Epistemology
Q: What is the main problem in the epistemology of cats?
A: Many cats do not believe in humans. This has affected their ethics. It has also seriously disabled their ability to perceive humans. And this one thing explains much of their relationship with dogs, who are, without exception, committed humanists.
Q: What does my Yorkie, the dog Oliver, read to purify himself after reading Nietzsche's Cat and Uber-Cat?
A: Not Maritain. Not Gilson. Not even Chesterton (although he enjoys GK immensely). No, the thing to answer Nietzsche categorically is P. G. Wodehouse.
Hat tip to Joseph Bottum's plum article in First Things, for the suggestion of Wodehouse to play David to Nietzsche as Goliath. Well, maybe not Goliath. He hugged a horse in his last sane moment, saying something like "Sing a new song! The world is transformed!"
Q: How does a post-modern cat, committed to the deconstructionist project of Derrida, say "Amen"?
A: Whatever.
Q: What is the difference between cats and David Hume?
A: David Hume had to think long and hard at what, for cats, comes off the cuff.
Q: What is the indication that cats are existentialists?
A: Me ... Ow ...
awesome tutorial for photoshop.
good in color photoshop tutorial.
Photo shop, eh? So, are the days of inking over pencils gone for good?
Har, me hearties! Crew excavates Blackbeard's ship . . . 1 1/4 mile off North Carolina's coast.
Blackbeard at that time had a fleet of four vessels, with 60 cannons. This was the most powerful fleet in this hemisphere at this time," says Butler.
Archeologists on the dig, which runs from October 2 to November 9, have found a ship's bell from 1705, a 1713 cannon and stemware that was made made between 1714 and 1720.
Good grief, is it _november_ allready?
oh snookums, why won't you post something? we need your insights. we need your irreverant wit. totally.
is it too late for me to say: shiver me timbers? i hope not.
Yes, it's that time of year again!
Anyone who's white and nerdy and over thirty has fond memories of that day -- November 17, 1978 -- when we all got to see _brand new_ Star Wars stuff!
Whoo hoo! Wookies! Droids! Wookies! Boba Fett! Darth Vader! More Wookies!
Yes, it was 1978, and the world was ready for more Star Wars! We had the few books, we had a couple of toys, and we had the 8mm silent movie loops of a few seconds of Star Wars action. We didn't have DVDs -- many of us didn't have VCRs -- and we certainly didn't have YouTube or TheForce.net. Want to see new Star Wars? Wait a few more years, or take your plastic lightsabers out in the back yard. That was it.
So, when the word came out that Lucas and CBS were putting out a special Star Wars show for Life Day, I went searching through the calendar looking for this "Life Day" I'd never heard of. (Life Day turned out to be a made-up holiday, which is why we never saw Andy Williams or Perry Como singing about it.)
Finally it comes around -- new Star Wars! Space ships, adventure, battles, droids, Luke and Leia, Han and Chewie . . . or not?
Fur. Wookie fur. Huge tracts of fur. And lots of Wookie language immersion (is this where Mel got his ideas?). And Bea Arthur -- great as Yenta, not so great as the Cantina Queen. And a great deal of confusion as the sadness set in.
There was a cartoon . . . pretty cool, actually. And Princess Leia sang. Not Linda Rondstat, but hey, she had buns.
So, low as it was, this was a high point for a Star Wars fan in 1978. Carrie Fisher hosted SNL the next night, with "Beach Blanket Bimbo from Outer Space" and sang "I'm a Teenager from Outer Space."
We found out that the Death Star guy who told Tarkin, "we've analyzed their attack, sir, and there is a danger" escaped before the explosion.
And we all shared the promise that one day, we'll be free.
Say, the link didn't show up!
So, does anyone else have any Star Wars Holiday Special memories to share?
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
RIP, Dave Cockrum.
Did you know it was -1 degrees fahrenheit in St Paul, MN this morning?
Good thing I brought a hat!
Well, this has been quite the year.
Green Lantern Creator,
Martin Nodell 1915-2006
Details at http://www.comicbookresources.com/news/newsitem.cgi?id=9119.
Merry Christmas, movie house!
Happy New Year, Everybody!
Whoop! 41-14 and the Gators are national champs!
This is plaid_knight (jake) of www.thejakeexperience.net . I've been working on fiction and my thesis and some art these days as well as designing a videogame. I'm keeping busy.
I was writing to let you guys know that I have the Star Wars Holiday Special available for download on my site. It's in high-quality divx (the codec, not the disc) avi format.
Point your browsers to http://jakeexperience.livejournal.com/tag/anime_download#swhs
and enjoy the magic again.
jake is Da MAN!
Oh my goodness . . . the "nemesis" was raised by MONARCH BUTTERFLIES!?!!?
This is fun!
Online web comic.
FUN story, although the girls look like they were drawn by John Byrne with a mouse.
Hey, Jake here again. I finally broke down and bought a WACOM tablet for my digital art as well as a scanner. I look forward to starting up my work in digital art very soon.
Hello, Jake!
Congrats on your purchases?
So, what is a WACOM tablet? I'm guessing it is high-def drawing tool for the computer?
A WACOM tablet is a tablet with a stylus. It's like drawing on paper, except there is no paper, and you can draw on the computer screen and computer apps by using the tablet and the stylus.
Also, this one's for you, Ginny:
(a link to a very wonderful article that summed up what we were talking about).
I'm guessing you can chose between different types of heads, nibs, whatever, for different cool effects.
Sort of. The stylus/tablet can be set to express or interpret pressure, so you can achieve a fair amount of varying line width and quality. IF you can get the freaking driver to work. huff.
Also, Photoshop and its imitators provide a lot of "brush" and "pen and pencil" sizes and so forth. Plus the usual freaky effects, like a line drawn with identical leaves. Weird.
Fun for geeks. And a mere hundred bucks.
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