I have turned in my Round Two Materials and will be up tomorrow, 5/7/07, for voting. Please help me!! You only have until SUNDAY, May 13 to vote for WINDY CITY! Just go
to this page which is my round 2 thread, and register. You should receive confirmation fairly soon, but if you don't, contact Ian at Ian@dimestoreproductions.com
When you are confirmed, just go again to my thread, Round 2: Windy City, and do a "Quick Reply" (dialog box at bottom of page) with a "yes" to vote me through. Easy! If you have trouble, let me know by any means necessary!)
I am posting. Ha ha. Actually, I finally got a bit of positivity going on. We'll see how it all pans out, but for now, I'm pretty happy.
I entered a contest called Small Press Idol put on by a lovely outfit called Dimestore Productions. It's awfully involved, but the long and short of it is that a lot of people have entered, wanting to get their
projects published, advertised and sold. I decided to try it out.
A Call to Action:
Here's where YOU come in. If you manage to read the rules, you will realize that Windy City will need PUBLIC VOTES to make it into Round Three. There are a LOT of entries to beat. And a lot are really well done, but really, the biggest challenge will be to GET VOTES. I need anyone who cares to help me out and anyone they can pull in and anyone they can pull in...and so on and so on. I need votes to stay in this. The people who I'm up against have more experience and more time and means to get out the vote. I have to rely on my friends and whomever I can reach to vote me through-all the way to the end.
So far, Windy City has snuck into Round 2. To pass Round one, I had to provide a cover rough (see above) and a "story pitch." If anyone is interested in following WC's progress, here's a handy dandy link to the Dimestore site:
That'll take you to the main contest page, where you can mull over the rules and all. Here's one that takes you to my entry:
And, for super freak-out, here's a link to Silver Bullet Comics' webzine interview with moi. OK, so they interviewed everyone who passed through Round One with a unanimous vote from the three judges. I'm still allowed to find this cool.
In order to vote, you have to register, I believe. It's quite easy. Just like any other site, choose Register on the left hand side of, I believe, any page of the site and follow the directions.
Do NOT vote yet. I have to assemble and send in my materials for Round Two still. The materials for this stage are character sketches and biographies. Round Two Voting will begin soon, but will continue until May 6th. This date may change. I'll update this blog soon and regularly to give anyone who is able to help current details.
The Final vote in Round 4 for the big prize will not just be a vote. You'll have to actually BUY a copy of the book on the website. That's how Dimestore makes its money. Pretty shrewd, huh? Well, at that stage, I can only hope you'll want a copy of Windy City and that you can afford it. I'm not sure how much it'll be, but probably around 3 bucks, I'm thinking....Only one vote per person, thus the registering, and only ONE Book will count as a vote. Buying multiple copies will not increase votes for any book. That's why I need everyone's help. I need a lot of different people to vote and eventually BUY a copy of the book. As an aside, if you hate it, I'll buy it back from you. How's that?
Well, that's it for now. I know it's a little sketchy, but I'm too tired to make sense. Please read the official rules at Dimestore, register, and wait for updates HERE if you are willing to help a sistuh out. You know I appreciate it and I'll be sure to make something worth buying! :)
Whoo hoo!
I'm glad I thought to check your page today. I think I can support you by buying a copy. When I am back in Jville we should be able to hang.
Happy Yuri's Night!
Yuri's Night is an international celebration held on April 12 every year to commemorate the first human in space, Yuri Gagarin on April 12, 1961, and the first Space Shuttle launch on April 12, 1981.
Well then...Happy Yuri's night to you, too!
Blog update tonight. Working on the links that will get voters to the right areas on Dimestore. There are some tech issues over there....
w00t! New blog post tonight!
The sky's the limit!
Er.. Ok. Instead of a post last night. I created an entirely new BLOG!
I'm still getting it ready, but it will be dedicated solely to the contest effort and will have its own little web address...soon, I hope. ALSO- I will announce an EXCITING contest for my readers and anyone else who'd care to help me out.
Meanwhile PLEASE get over to Dimestore and register, so you'll be ready to rock out when the flag goes up. I'll be working on getting my stuff up ASAP. Until I do, there's nothing to vote on.:(
OK. I'm working on the new WC blog, but having technical difficulties. Anyone reading this, please proceed to Dimestore to register. I'll be posting my Round 2 stuff asap and will need your vote then.
I am a registered man!
So, how's life in 4-colors?
Weeelllll. I've had some health issues that have kept me from getting to the table to finish Round 2. I'm better now, and working on the stuff for hopefully Monday. I'll be updating with the stuff then. Thanks for registering, Rob and Frank-now, if anyone else would care to.......
Hey, Rob-"who" are you over there?
Hope you're feeling better!
Now with pen, er, mouse in hand . . .
>>>>>> This is what I'd like my birthday cake to look like:
>>>>>> (dont_panic.gif)
>>>>> what birthday cake?
>>>> My 42nd . . .
>>>> (brief description of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
>>> and you thought Callie and/or I would get the reference?
>> Maybe not, but I thought you'd get the cake.
> Callie says:
> I still don't get the reference. Well we'll keep that in mind.
> You can tell the lady at baskin robbins when you pick it up on your way home that day.
I answered your question in e-mail
What are you doing here?
You need to get over to DimeStore and VOTE VOTE VOTE!
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