I'm working again. I'm delivering again. I'm losing my self respect again. That sums it up.
I'm completely bummed out about Steve Irwin. Completely.
My sis dropped into town for the "holiday" and I got to see her and Tim for maybe 1.5 hours. Darn work.
Everyone went to DragonCon but me. But that's fine. I think I'm just too old to care about that stuff anymore. It was COOL about 20 years ago. holy crap. 20 years. No way.
Well, I'm cheered right up. Nothing much else to report. Please for the love of whatever you love, consider a lovely cash donation to my ever-growing cat ranch. I'll draw you something verry nice in return, or perhaps deliver a lovely pizza instead.
Oh yeah. Please vote.
Back soon for more September musings. I really hope to have some happy news to report.
Random MegaCon pic time:

Darth Vader-he never gets old. sigh.
Later, peep(s)!
It's too bad about Steve, especially for his wife and kids. And the kids who loved his show. He really loved his work, and conservation. Oh well, it's not like someone named "Crocodile Hunter" was planning to die in bed. Crikey.
Heh. A few years ago, I realized that if I had stayed in, I could have retired with 20 years in the Navy. Eh, what's that? Speak up.
Planning on voting after work. Not _for_ anyone, none seem to deserve it. I need to figure out which I like the least and vote against 'em.
So, where's your delivery route? University, Ft. Caroline, Townsend, ???
Alas, I'm in the Regency/Ft. Caroline area now. Home base for me. It seems the Arlington (Rogero, I think) manager of Domino's is verrry territorial. He called my manager and ID'd my car to complain I'd been driving in his area. I had a run right on the "border" and took 9A back to my store on Monument. Apparently a no-no.
What a nutball. There's someone drunk with power everywhere you go. No matter how powerless they really are.
Hey, how long were you in? Oh, Rob. You're only a wee bit further along than me...wow. that's old.
Well, I went to vote mindlessly. I'm afraid my party seems to have written FL off and no longer feels the need to run viable candidates.
Yep. I think we all expected a crazy death for Irwin but a nervous stingray? How very odd which just seems to make it worse. I'll predict that little girl of his will pick it up and run in a few years. Hope so.
Well, my water pipe broke tonight, so I'm gonna just go shoot myself now. It's cheaper.
Oh darling, things will get better. And I will be along to help you with the cat ranching chores in a few months. We can spend the days cleaning litter boxes and spend the nights ballroom dancing and sipping Boone's Farm by moonlight.
And for god's sake, stay in your territory. You don't want to get run off the road or anything crazy.
Ah, well, then I guess no pizza for me. ;-(
Well, I've always liked Jim Davis' cat drawings, so he seems like a good choice. And Admiral Leroy reminds me of Leeeeroy Jenkins, so he got my vote.
(If you want losers, try some of the guys running write-in for governor. ElectCCReed has 30-years experience with PowerPoint, lists Mr. T as a reference, and put winning a 3rd-grade spelling bee on his biography page. Makes this guy look good.
Age? Yeah, I'm ancient. At least until my second cup of coffee.
Hmm . . . at first glance, it looked like you said, "my water broke tonight," which would have pretty interesting. :-p
Where did it break? In the house, under the sink, in the yard?
Do drive carefully, and stay away from the Boone's Farm. You can get a decent Australian Merlot or Shiraz for just a few cents more than "Strawberry Hill" or "Tickled Pink" or whatever they're selling nowadays.
Now for some CheerUpGinny Fun Posting!
Truly outrageous!
Lessons from 1980's cartoons inlcude "Smurfs" (Communism works), "G.I. Joe" (Knowing is half the battle), and JEM!
LESSON: Grrrls rock!
OK, this was more our sister’s show, but we certainly watched it on more than one occasion, and learned that chicks with guitars and magic earrings kick ass. . .
Rob, did you post that Cracked stuff? Hi-Larious!
Almost as funny as the candidates you mentioned. Wow. I'm sooo running for city council next time. I've known Photoshop for like 25 years or sumthin.....I won a spelling bee once. I like kitties and all animals. I was a Girl Scout for almost a YEAR!
Oh yeah! A sad twist to the aforementioned territorial manager: It was a misunderstanding, apparently. The guy had called with a car ID to find out if a driver who had beed killed that night drove for our store. Apparently, the guy, in a similar-looking car to mine, was hit by a city bus while delivering. (This is pretty common. Busses are notorious bullies here. Had one run a stop sign and nearly crush me tonight.) One of the manager's drivers saw it and phoned it in. Sad Sad. I think they are trying to pin it on the delivery guy of course.
Well, I'll try to summon up some happy for the next post.
Heh. Yeah, that was me with the Cracked mazagine stuff. Used to read Cracked way back in the day, back when Y-103 played Blondie and Rock 105 played Molly Hatchet -- hmm, well, back when they were *new.*
Maybe I should run, too. Was in a contest on the Skipper Ed show back in Kindergarten. Won a big tube full of Tootsie Rolls! (Haven't done much since then, however.)
City busses do have a bad rep. Sorry to hear about the driver.
Be CAREFUL out there.
A friend of mine was fatally hit by a city bus while in his truck -- Ch 12 said witnesses saw the bus run a red light.
Also, my wife works downtown, and says the busses don't stop for folks in the crosswalk.
So, the good news is, you're not in trouble with The Man?
So, what happened with the pipe?
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