Here's a recap page of allll of Windy City so far. Just sssscrrrollll and click on each page to enrage- er, enlarge. Ain't much, but I do intend to have another page out this month.
Pardon my HTML. Just learnin'.

That's all for now, but check back soonly. Thanks to John of SSP for putting out the WindyC previews on his table at Wizard World Chicago this weekend!
Huzzah! Looks great.
(one minor nit . . . you may wanna change the comma in http://www, to a period).
They struck again!! Man! Everytime I do that link it works fine and then after a period of time, the . changes mysteriously to a ,. Usually points to a ad site. I cannot believe any thought or energy goes into this kind of crap. Thanks, Rob!
Well, we got a pretty good chunk of PPP and Spaz House stuff out to the masses along with the Spent Shell Press stuff. I took 95 pictures, so get ready for the parade of costumes!
Love the Santa pic.
John B.
Yaaay! More WC Previews litter Chicago! You guys have got to check out the pictures! They are chock-full of convention awesomeness!!
Go directly there!
Thanks again, Spent Shell Press!
Love the Galacticus costume.
For more comix fun, check out this link:
Here are some RPG-based "motivational" posters:
Some faves:
Hey, this is Jake. I'm in town until the 19th, when I go back to Tallahassee. Next week let's do the Denny's. My phone numbers in the 904 area include 425 1575 and 724 1654.
Hey! What's up?
It's been September for HOURS already!
Possie-Pie, we are impatiently waiting for a new post...
sooon...soooon. maybe tomorry.
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