Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cat Shoot!

Well, there's lots happened the past 3.3 months, but I'll just start with this pic...
Animal Planet comes to Caboodle!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Quite a day

Thanks to all students at J.E.B. Stuart Middle School for coming out and helping make Ms. Craig's Art Festival such a success!

If any of you want to see more of the art I showed you on Friday, just go to

I wish I could have drawn even more, but the time got away from me. As I'm kinda busy now, you can send me some requests, but it may be a while before I can do them.

Thanks again!


Thursday, March 26, 2009


I missed my own birfday. lol
this is the placeholder for my lengthy post i'll doubtless add tonight.
see ya!

Monday, March 09, 2009

March Madness!

I hate basketball. Just sayin'.

It's time /or new music!
"/" is the character I use to express the letter that comes a/ter "e". yay!

Got some crazy plans a/oot, here lately. I'll report on them whenever they come to /ruition.

/ound an old /riend on /acebook yesterday. She has a loverly blog you should be reading...
the specktator
/unny stu//!

Back later with added keys!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

...and now for something completely different.

things are slightly better, but i will get back to that list at some point. now, some points that nag:

please enjoy the brokeness of my keyboard. i have a bad shift key and can only occasionally be bothered to go out of the way to capitalize.

please also enjoy some new music. heh heh. i'd call this selection "brit chicks".

i hate facebook. it is stealing my soul and i cannot have that. i have stuff i gotta do and it's not helping at all.

what do i have to do? i need to find a job. nothing online is not a scam for personal info and no one wants to meet in person, except places who want you to work on commission. you know, i coulda done that...back when there was someone else bringing in money here, but that is a long gone thing.
i also have some "creative endeavors" to attend to. they are:

a writing bit. time to exercise the writey part of my brain. this is a fun project i am inspired to write pretty kwickly. (yep. the letter "cue" is busted, too.) i am however a little stuck right now. i'll pick it back up tomorrow, i think.

some retooling on the old windy city minicomic from waaay back in 03. why? i need to finish it finally and maybe see the dang thing in real print.

finish up that 12 page story for dimestore and get it over with. it's long past time. i worked awfully hard to get that deal and i hate that i've not been able to fulfill it yet. once it prints, i'm free to go somewhere on that project.

get a new comic underway. one that a new collaborator wrote and wishes to see completed soon. it's over 100 pages so, wish me luck there. heh.

then, with same new collaborator, a new one shot with bandit and his creation, dyna girl.

maybe more, but really, that stuff above looks like 10 years worth of work. i ain't that young.

one more exciting update... finally found the dread drain pipe that needs replacing. it's further down that i woulda thought. my previous excavations musta missed it by inches. thanks to my secret helper on that. gonna need a digger thing-like machine. maybe we'll have it dug up and fixed soon. i've waited forever, so i'm not super patient anymore. i have been pretty damn patient to get this far, frankly.

next up, maybe that second list. oh--and if i don't get back here before valentine's day...i hate that effin day. i've been dumped on that occasion TWICE! see how i decided to capitalize that? it must be pretty important for me to say, huh? well, i will continue the hating of that do as you please.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Posting blogs under the influence is a baaaad idea.
Happy February!

Today marks the 13th anniversary of a profoundly bad event in my life. And let's leave it at that.

I've had 13 years to improve and change my life. Taking stock, I am not impressed...

I have not learned any foreign languages. (why do people always want to do that?)
I have not traveled much of anywhere. I did get to fly finally. yay. got to Chicago. yay.
I have not had a decent relationship. Big surprise.
I have not improved my finances. They have never been worse.
I do not have a career at 42. Unbelievable.
I have never achieved a positive milestone that didn't turn out negatively.
I am not sure what to do next or if there even is a next. Maybe there's just more of the same.
I have not expanded my skills in anything.
I have not finished anything I've started.
I have yet to make a good connection in anything.
I have still not learned to mistrust.
i still don't protect myself.
i still tell too much truth when I should just shut up.

Stay tuned to see if I can come up with a list of stuff that is good about the last 13 years.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

I need to cheer the fuck up. I am abusing the internets with my muuuusic. heheheheh!

If you can't get a little happier listening to these, well, you don't need to be here.

So. Happy Saturday night! I'm gettin dressed and ready to cruise the town, as is my wont on Saturday nights. And I'll hopefully fight some crime, also.

Goodnight, folks!

Friday, January 02, 2009