Monday, September 18, 2006

It's that time again....

Me cat, Wheezy Sasha, would like to remind ye all that...
Talk Like A Pirate Day is September 19th!

As a public service, I'm going to post up a link (sent just in time by that sea dog, Cap'n Frank) to help out with that awkward silence that follows when everyone in the office has said "Ahr!" a few times and can think of nothing else to say.

Important Pirate Filmstrip

Also, the Official Talk Like a Pirate Day website. "Accept no substitutes."

Good jabberin' to ye all, ye scurvy dogs!

The Possum Pirate!

Monday, September 11, 2006

September Eleventh

Warning! Below lies an opinion you may not share. I first wrote this about 3 years ago. My opinion of the matter has not changed.

(An Excerpt)
Patriot Day, 2002
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
…Those whom we lost last September 11 will forever hold a cherished place in our hearts and in the history of our Nation. As we mark the first anniversary of that tragic day, we remember their sacrifice; and we commit ourselves to honoring their memory by pursuing peace and justice in the world and security at home. By a joint resolution approved December 18, 2001 (Public Law 107-89), the Congress has authorized and requested the President to designate September 11 of each year as "Patriot Day." …
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourth day of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand two, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twenty-seventh.

I’ve been thinking. I’ve been thinking a lot. What is a patriot? Dictionary says it’s a person with a zealous love of their country. September 11th is now officially “Patriot Day”. Alright. Who’s that for?

The people whose lives we are memorializing or deaths we are commemorating on September 11th were not strictly patriots. I think in this sense a patriot will die for his/her country and the beliefs associated with it, but the people who died that day, save for the terrorists, did not die for their beliefs. They just died. Were murdered. Unforgettable acts of true bravery were in evidence, no question of that. The men and women in the first responders, the passengers of all the doomed flights, the self-sacrificing citizens of New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, each of these groups presented the world with examples of courage in the face of overwhelming, senseless horror. I am sure that all of the victims of September 11th had a natural, undeniable love for their country, non-US citizens included, but does that make them patriots? They most certainly died because of their country, but they died simply as citizens. They all died doing their job. Could’ve been an earthquake or a gas main explosion. Instead, a group of people we refuse to understand decided they had to do the most drastic, dire act to achieve their goal: strike a crippling blow to their enemy, and bring attention to their cause. We made this enemy. They craved understanding, then attention, then action, then vengeance.

That day should have been a wake-up call for this country. A day we became a part of the world, experiencing suffering as our neighbors have for all of known history. A day we gained insight into the part we’ve played in the suffering of others. A day that the consequences of living too well, too long, and at the expense of too many others, became unbearably clear. It was a sudden, unavoidable confrontation with our obvious mortality and our fragile place in the world. Instead of a wake up call, our government twisted it into a call to war.

Instead of embracing the rest of the world, we now divide it further. Instead of learning from our suffering, we now impose more suffering on others. Instead of unifying as a people, we question each other’s “patriotism”. Instead of protecting the innocent, we vilify and destroy. Instead of wisdom, we crave vengeance.

They were affluent businesspeople, middle-class workers, and low-wage laborers. They were moms, dads, wives, husbands, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, and friends. They died as individuals. I didn’t know a single one of them. Chances are, neither did you. As a nation, we mourn the loss of life of a group of people. We cannot properly mourn the loss of individuals. That’s for their families and friends. The Americans who died on September 11th were just like us. What exactly did they die for? That’s what I have been thinking about. They went to work one day, a really beautiful day, and they died. They had no choice in it. For the most part, they had no time to ask why or what they died for. In my luxurious conceit, I’d like to think they would rather have died for an end to war, not the furthering of it.

This last bit was edited from the original version by my former webmaster. I see no reason not to include it. Unfortunately, I feel even less forgiving of the policy now.

You don’t have to package it for it to mean something. You don’t have to rename it for me to remember it. You don’t have to cram it down my throat for me to think about it. Calling this awful day “Patriot Day,” to me, celebrates unquestioning patriotism, blind nationalism, and arrogant abuse of power. It doesn’t commemorate the deaths of thousands of innocents, but packages up our grief into a proudly tearful, flag-waving, manageable bundle, meant to fill us with acceptance of unacceptable loss and approval of impossible, reckless policy. The lives lost that day are not celebrated or mourned with that name. Call it Patriot Day, if you want. If you ascribe to the spirit of zealous, unquestioning loyalty for your country, it’s the perfect name. It’s the perfect name for you.

I’ll call it September 11th. That’s the day they died. And it’s a day for them.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Is it September already?

Just a super McQuicky post to say Hi, Ya'll and to establish a Sept. entry. How laaaame.

I'm working again. I'm delivering again. I'm losing my self respect again. That sums it up.

I'm completely bummed out about Steve Irwin. Completely.

My sis dropped into town for the "holiday" and I got to see her and Tim for maybe 1.5 hours. Darn work.

Everyone went to DragonCon but me. But that's fine. I think I'm just too old to care about that stuff anymore. It was COOL about 20 years ago. holy crap. 20 years. No way.

Well, I'm cheered right up. Nothing much else to report. Please for the love of whatever you love, consider a lovely cash donation to my ever-growing cat ranch. I'll draw you something verry nice in return, or perhaps deliver a lovely pizza instead.

Oh yeah. Please vote.

Back soon for more September musings. I really hope to have some happy news to report.
Random MegaCon pic time:

Darth Vader-he never gets old. sigh.

Later, peep(s)!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Windy City

Hey Kids! Comics!

Here's a recap page of allll of Windy City so far. Just sssscrrrollll and click on each page to enrage- er, enlarge. Ain't much, but I do intend to have another page out this month.

Pardon my HTML. Just learnin'.

That's all for now, but check back soonly. Thanks to John of SSP for putting out the WindyC previews on his table at Wizard World Chicago this weekend!

Monday, July 31, 2006

JULY update!

Ah- ha ha ha ha! Only 11 minutes left in July! Ha ha! But I made it! I'm posting in Ju-ly-i!
OK. Been working on this for so long my eyes are bleeding and I've taken to wearing spectacles.

OK. Not this drawing in particular, but a preview book for Wizard World Chicago. A preview book for Detroit's Finest, of which this is the "cover".. 8 or 12 pages, I forget now, of preview for John to press into the tiny hands of convention-goers. This coming weekend. man. I won't go into it all now, but it is the hardest mini I've ever done, and I really don't recommend trying to do one and working a lot at another job. I had to quit to get it done on time. Yes. You heard it. I left the world of Chinese Delivery. awwwww. I guess it's time for bigger things. Like working at Wendy's.

Ooo! I gotta go or it won't be July anymore! More on this story as it develops!
Happy July! Ha!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

My Big, Fat June Entry.

Lotta stuff going on, but I thought I'd drop a newer note in to say HI and I hope to have some artwork up soon. Oh, Jake. I think I'm only doing this Weblog thing til I get a site up. I've seen the LJ crowd of artists and well, I'm happy to be by myself. I just don't want to be that busy on my computer. Maybe later or something. I hope I can see you guys while you're here but for now, I'm working some extreme hours. I had to visit with a friend in my "office" tonight. We hadn't talked in so long, he just tagged along for a couple of hours of delivery. I think he has a better understanding of it for sure.
Rob, hope all is well. I haven't had a chance to speak to my sis since she got back, but I'll have to relate her adventures later on. Since I don't have any of my own.....except for that drag queen who tipped me 8 cents for delivering in that monsoon today.....sigh. I do think a new comic may be on its way: Delivery, the Comic Book.

Anyway, I'll be back at this once I get the preview done for Detroit's Finest. Gotta have it done by July 1. yeee.

Let's see. Having a hard time with a sick kitten. Having a hard time with a spraying cat. Car smells like Chinese food. I'm the only driver left again, except for this one Chinese guy who works all the time. Oh, wait. I did find someone to draw Windy City for me. I just need to convince him to do it for free. Just kidding. He's a very talented fella and I'll post something of his after I'm sure he's OK with that. I hope to involve him in a little project I'm developing. It will include some rather surprising guest creators, shall we say......
Anyway, I'm off to clean litter. Wow!

Oh, here's a little something. For color.
Aren't they cute?

Later, peep(s)

NEXT UP: JOHN and the Paper Doll Threat continues!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Pirate-By Popular Demand!

Ahoy, Mateys!
Avast, ye blog-lubbers!
Yo Ho Yo Ho, a driver's life fer me!

I'm ...just not feeling piratey enough tonight, laddies. Per'aps if I fails t' shower this evenin', I'll be more inclined. Hm. Per'aps some grog will do th' trick.....mmmm. Only wine coolers 'ere. Har! 'Twill take cases o' these t' do th' deed! [glug glug glug]

Avast! Me cat, Wheezy Sasha, 'as taken 'is perch on me shoulder. Urg! 'Is claws be needin' a trim. Trim th' claws, me hearties! Har!

Writin' down me adventures o' th' day...More like weavin' a spell t' put yer t' sleep, belikes! Har!

Well, that should be enough of that. Supposedly, somewhere back in the paternal family tree, resides one Edward Teach. I'm afraid his pirateness has diffused too much down the line to inspire me tonight.

OK. Been drivin' a lot. Making lousy tips this week. New driver came in and stole me prime hours. Oop. Still thinkin' pirate. Anyway, I'm going to need better hours if I'm going to stay on at Hot Wok. One dude's making twice as much as me working half my hours. I think it's time to start thinking big- Papa Johns. Woooo! man.

So, I totally know who all's dying in X-Men 3. Really no reason to see it, now. Except to see that cutiepie fake Russian guy who's playing Colossus. Oh, dear. How crazy does that look?
Remember to stay through all the end credits, of course. What else is new?

Sounds like the DaVinci Code is less than good. Er, did I mention that I'm tired of remakes? Well, I am. I hereby challenge Hollywood to make a movie that will be something I have not seen before on TV, read in a book, or have already seen as a movie. I would really like to see a good historical biography, though. How about Thomas Jefferson, or Ben Franklin? These guys fascinate me and are only seen as bit parts in whatever made for TV movie or small film they've appeared in. The Adams boys, or maybe, [gasp], George Washington. Man, I am the most boring person alive.

I think I speak for all geek-o women my age when I ask: So when's an Elfquest movie ever gonna get made?

Well, the big news is my sister has landed in Sweden (Jonkoping, with little horizontal :s over the "o"s.) to teach for a month and I wish soooo bad I could go and stay, too. Real bad. Imagine-all the Swedish foam you could shake a stick at. Reindeer! Swedes! Swedish architecture! Weather! Oh, to be in the land of ABBA!
Well, here's the postcard:

If only I had a real career.....
Urg. That's it. I can't stands no more!

Next: An update on John of Spent Shell and what he sounds like and maybe we'll see about that paper doll idea I've been toying with.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Bizzy Bee

Yes. I am a bizzy bee. The word "busy" is just not busy enough. "Bizzy" must be used. I have been delivering a wealth of nasty Chinese cuisine these past 2 and some weeks. I have put scratches on the new car, the smell of greasy rice in the interior, and 1000 miles on the odometer. I do finally have some "regulars" so the tips are OK. Mostly they are amazed to see a woman delivering to them after dark. This is apparently rare in this part of town-old, er, Historic, Arlington.

Weirdly enough, upcoming pages of Windy City were going to take place in a Chinese restaurant anyway, so now I have even more reference for it. I have been trying to convince my boss to let me take some reference photos, but he still labors under the impression that I am an undercover health inspector and won't let me...yet. I wonder why he thinks any health inspector would waste this much time and energy to bust his little racket. He's really cute, though. Crap. I hope he isn't reading this.

Anyway, please to be visiting John over at-yes, you guessed it, Spent Shell Press!! He is a laff riot of comics-writin', pusher-bustin' FUN!! I am hard at work on his book and he nicely agreed to do an upcoming story for Windy City! Yay! He thinks it's just a little back up story, but little does he know I'm plotting on something more lengthy for the future...heh. Oh, crap. He reads this.

Quickly! A picture to distract! hmmm....

Give peace a chance, Darth Vader! Give peace a chance!
OK, next time we do this without the lightsaber. He smelled very nice, though. Photo 2 in my series of trying to make nice with the villains I see at conventions. Didn't see photo one? Well, you'll just have to look over at Spent Shell's Message Board for it. I have posted a few pics over there! Hah! My little friend Talented Jerry likes to have convention super heroines and villainesses beat him up, but I just want all the bad guys to make nice. I think I need to lay off the poptarts there. Jeez, I've become what I always feared. One of those fat girls at conventions. All I need is my long, flowing, homemade purple cape!

Friday, April 28, 2006

New post!

Okay! Here I am with nothing in particular to report. I got a new job....delivering Chinese. I may have another job....a low paying dental sculpture technician job. I'll know about the tech job next week. It'll be a lot less pay than the exciting, danger-filled world of derivery, but will provide boring benefits and safety. booo!

Actually, my main problem with this dental lab is its tendency to hire skilled labor for lousy wages. I could go on about this for days. Unfortunately, as I have related before, this is not at all uncommon. It has become way too easy to exploit a larger number of workers. Why am I being offered the same or worse wages that I was offered in college and right after? 16 years later. A friend tells me it is due to the influx of illegals (yep. I said illegals-my wording.)I believe one could also add to them the preponderance of just plain disadvantaged, undereducated documented Amuurican workers. I believe that although that is a factor,(not really an accident that these people exist-business needs someone to exploit) the real problem, in my opinion, is the rampant acceptance of unscrupulous business practice. No one seems to mind the way business conducts its affairs. Wanna cut cost? Offer no benefits, low wages to your skilled workforce and give yourself a raise. Illegal? No. Not yet. Wrong and destructive? Yep. Maintaining our idealized free and fair America involves not military action, but a vigilant, active citizenry.

Why do we tolerate a minimum wage that relegates workers to living below the poverty level? Why do we continue to buy products from companies that exploit their employees and cost this nation billions in government assistance for their underpaid workers? Because we don't give a damn how bad things are for someone else. We just want our DVDs cheap, our food a little less expensive, our clothes at half price. We don't see the correlation between acceptance of poverty for others and our own devaluation. I'd say call your congressman, but chances are he doesn't care either, because he was elected with money from a big business. Next time, try electing a candidate who doesn't cater to business. Yeah. Look for one instead of just accepting whomever is offered as the frontrunner of your party.

Lordy. I could go on and I will, but I have to hurry off to my delivery job. Making enough money to live on is as easy as accepting the possibility of being assaulted or killed while delivering food. God bless the USA.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Holy Cow! Snakes and Tennis!

Looks like Patrick, the harmless snake, is probably not harmless. My ex-husband was telling me he was likely a water moccassin. That's not good. I'm surprised that didn't occur to me, but I'm not really close enough to water to have considered that a possibility. Looked like a rat snake to me. I guess I'll stop treating him so nonchalantly. He's probably been like "What's this crazy chick doing walking right past me with my big ol' venom? Doesn't she know who I am?! Look at me when I'm talkin' to you! Damn!" My ex used to run afoul of venomous snakes a lot down in Miami when he was a wee boy. I just handled the harmless ones.

Hope Pancho stays clear til I relocate Poisonous Patrick. At least my ex got a laugh out of it. brother.

Anyway, I got to go to the Bausch & Lomb Tennis Championships last night, thanks to some very generous friends. That was waay cool! Saw the #1 seed Petrova beat the heck out of Shaughnessy. Russians! Then, a fill-in doubles match which was actually more fun. Love those funny noises they make. One chick sounded like that babydoll you turn over that cries. Interesting to see these people up close, and Amelia Island is always so pretty and full of rich people. sigh. I need to make some money.

Workin' on the comic Detroit's Finest tonight as well as thinking over a possible pizza delivery. Dang. I'm trying to lose weight, but I just can't stop with the pizza! Well, it is Friday and I am a loser stuck at home, so...

Hey, all the comics pages for Windy City have slipped behind the old posts, so if anyone is looking for them (HA!) click on the oldest posts and they'll turn up in the sidebar. I've still not learned enough about making a page for them, but I will. really. And then, it'll be Comics Magic (tm).

Here's a wee sketch for another little project I need to finish:

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Dumb Weblog.

Dumb. I am officially blaming this blog for me not gettin' the job I wanted. Must a' seen it and thought I was a wacko. I'm blaming it cuz I can't figure out what else happened. They liked me. I was perfectly qualified. The interview went well. Everything seemed good- Oh. Except I did it again. Asked for enough money to live on. Dumb. I just need to get it through my head. "20 years experience" + "5 year degree" does not = "worth any money."


Oh, it had to be the blog.

In other news, yay, Gators!

In more important news, yay, Jill Carroll!

Oh, hey. Here's a photo from MegaCon this past February, in Orlando. This young lady stopped by and got a couple of sketches from me. In this photo, she is "hand posing" for me. I wrote her name down, but can't find it now. Thanks, whomever you are. I appreciated your stopping by and your reaction was quite worth the day of sitting around anime hell.

Nothing much to report here. I made some pasta salad so the vegetables wouldn't go bad. The giant citrus reward I received last week for rescuing a little doggie is nearing the end of its edibility. What's left over is going to make the garbage men mad at me. I've gained a little weight from my ice cream spree. I think Pico's OK, if a little too sassy. It's hot as hell in my house. The raccoons were super cute tonight, playing on my patio like cats. hm.

That's it. I'd planned a whole diatribe, but I just don't have it in me tonight. And who'd want to hear about it anyway? Besides, my next potential employer may be out there, watching....

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Too much cream. Man, I've eaten too much today. I've sat here all day, trying to draw and wait for the phone to ring. With a job offer.

Well, I want to once again ask all, what, 3 of you to travel that short internet distance to and encourage John and myself. We need some encouraging. I need to get some GD drawings done for him to decorate the place and some pages finalized instead of jumping from one to another to another in a pathetic attempt to just do easy parts and think the rest of it over for the millionth time. He doesn't need to be encouraged so much as he needs to be congratulated for his real-life bad guy ass-kicking and clever web logging. He's already done with his part of Detroit's Finest. Oh, yeah. Except getting it published. man.

Hey, thanks, ya'll for the nice words an' wishes. I hope to make it to forty-one now. (I set small goals.)

Since I'm too full to reach the scanner, I'm going to rehash a little favorite of mine. I did this for John, kept it in my Cafepress image basket so I could access it online, but they kicked it off, for now obvious reasons. Geez. Not like I was gonna make a t-shirt of it or anything.

Heehee. I just loved Maude. So, this reminds me, if you guys want anything (non-copyrighted, of course) on a t-shirt or whatever else is on that pathetic cafepress thing, tell me. I'll draw it and upload it, making it quite available for you to PURCHASE FROM ME. You know, so I can pay my bills and feed my furry kids! I'm working on Detroit's Finest swag, oop! Out of the bag, John. And I need to finish 2 commissions for my long-suffering fanboys and then I'll be officially not drawing anything but Detroit's Finest. Yep. Windy City's on hold again. Hey, 3 new pages are more than I've done in 3 years...
Think it over, Dear Readers. Your favorite character on a potholder or coffee mug. The possibilities are terrifying!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

What now?

Well, there was a surprise party for me Saturday night. I turned 40, if that wasn't already apparent from the last post. My sister, enlisting my mysteriously resourceful friend, Roxanne, gathered a pretty impressive assortment of people together. All dressed in black, we packed into my favorite Indian restaurant and marvelled in turns at the weird, spicy foods and our impending old age.

I received a lovely ensemble of pirate-themed accessories to wear for the duration and a Hawaiian lei, as "every girl should get layed on her 40th birthday." Oh, dear. If I'd only known. After the inspiring kazoo strains of Happy Birthday To You, it was time to blow out the big, black "40" candle on my cake.

My sister, Lisa, baked a "Mima Cake"-the chocolate frosted yellow cake homage to the struggles of our mother and grandmother to master this most difficult of all cake recipes. No matter the frosting consistency, the cake is always delicious. mmmm. While our sikh host and hostess swirled around us with bright orange chicken, aloo gobi, sad lamb, murky green silt-like soups and more hot chutneys than you can shake a stick at, I opened a lot of cutie-pie cat-themed birthday cards and a lot of very expensive, thoughtful gifts. Sincere thanks, everyone! Not bad, considering I'd forgotten or was too poor to observe most of their birthdays this past year.

Afterwards, a few of us retired for adult beverages and then I was dropped off at my humble home to contemplate the end of this phase of life and the beginning of the next. I haven't gotten much of anything accomplished in life so far. Regardless, I'm now an adult. You can put it off only so long.

So...what now?

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Logan's Run

It's that time. My light is flashing. OK. My light was flashing ten years ago, but I like to think that 40 is the new 30.

Anyway, I reserve the right to change that to 50 in ten years.

I wish I had some wise words to type down today, but I just don't have the time to think of them. I wish I was employed, but I'm still not. I wish I had a bunch of money, but I don't. I wish I looked like a twenty-year-old, but it's too late for that. I wish we could get out of Iraq, but we can't. I wish we had a competent leader, but we don't. I wish I had homes for all these cats, but I don't.

Oh, well. Time to look on the bright side: I know some awesome people and I'm lucky enough to still be alive and as my Dad would have said, "able to sit up and take nourishment." I miss my mom, my dad, my grandparents and all the people I used to know that I don't anymore, but I am glad to have my sister, and the family and friends I do still have. Thanks to all of you for still being there. I hope some day to make it worth your while!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Pico Update

Warning: Male readers will want to steel themselves for the following description.

My beleagured cat, Pico, has a severe urinary tract infection. This involves the formation of bacterial crystalline structures inside his urethra. Yes, his urethra. This is a very dangerous condition as it blocks off his ability to urinate. This of course leads to toxification of his bloodstream and rather rapid, painful death.

In order to save his life, the vet had to unblock the pathway by "massaging" the crystals from his, er, lower urethra. Pico has a very large belly, but the rest of him is still cat-sized. This process is so painful that Pico had to get the cat laughing gas to endure it. Imagine the procedure for the vet.

The vet advised keeping him overnight after his ordeal, and then one more night just to be sure the crystals have not reformed. I have been told that he is resting much more comfortably than before and I will hope to get him home tomorrow.

Still loving these posts, John?

In other news, I have a follow-up interview tomorrow for a job. This brings me to a sudden realization. This website address is on my resume as I used to have actual artwork samples on the old site. Hmmm. Potential employers may accidentally wander on to this...thing. Not great. I need to get cracking on a real art site ASAP. In the meantime:
I'm a loyal, hard-working girl with no vices and a love for humanity.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Man, I got some cats. Would anyone like a lovely cat? Tonight, I can't sleep for worrying about one in particular. Pico is my oldest and seems to be having a lot of trouble today. I'll have to carry him off to the doc tomorrow, or I should say, this morning. I hope he makes it that long.
Well, I don't know what else to do but post an old, weird drawing.

This is Bandit's teacher,"Stick," from Windy City. I shouldn't call him that, but I have for so many years, it's hard to remember not to.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Job Hunt

Okay. I'm getting to wonder about my chances of finding gainful employment. I've put in about 20 applications in the past 3 weeks, not to mention the countless inquiries, visits, revisits of the past year. Nothing. Not one call back. At first, I was being upfront with my salary requirements. I'd tell them just what I needed to consider the job. The unemployment office actually called me in to a class of others who had done the same. Why? We were all "red flagged" for looking for difficult to find work and asking for too much money. They warned us to stop looking for positions in our old fields. Turns out this class was for people who had "weird" qualifications, like "artist." Or "electrical engineer." Or anything that wasn't "office/clerical". You see, in Jeb Bush Florida, the unemployment service is not comfortable assisting people who insist on being educated in such esoterica. We needed to just settle down and accept that we were beggars in this new world and we had to buck up and take less money no matter how much our fancy education cost or how hard we had worked to get it. Can't type? Of course you can! Sit down out here and learn on our new state-of-the-art typing programs. What, you don't want to be a data entry girl? Why not? Low pay? Well, little lady, you're hardly in a position to demand better than $6.50 an hour!

It seemed to me that this department of unemployment was much more intent on producing good-looking numbers for the governor. If you plug all these misfits into good old secretary jobs with starting pay that would make a teenager take a pass, then your unemployment numbers would go down. Can't get them into those jobs? Well, all you have to do is wait 7 months. If you haven't managed to convince them they can live on minimum wage by then, no problem. You cut off their unemployment benefits. Now, they're officially off of the record. They don't exist as unemployed anymore! The numbers look better and better!

Well, my 7 months was up last October. I've been looking into just about every kind of job imaginable. I even stopped asking for a living wage on my apps. Now I put a dainty "negotiable" in the little wage blank. Hasn't mattered. The only job I've managed to land was as a pizza maker/deliverer for a small pizzaria. $6.40 an hour plus tips which averaged 10 bucks a day. 10-12 hour days, seven days a week. Plus I got a t shirt to wear and a great hat. Yeah, I only lasted a month, but for that brief, shining moment, I was exactly the kind of worker bee that Jeb had intended.

Friday, March 17, 2006

St. Patrick, thanks a lot!

I've been asked to actually employ this strange venue, as in "write something." Well, I'd like to give a Shout Out to St. Patrick while we're still in St. Patrick's day. I have had a St. Patrick experience. This morning, I saw a large black blur race by my studio window. I opened the door, stepped outside and saw my black cat, Pancho, crouching by the door. This is weird, as he's a wild cat and would normally keep his distance from me as I am a "ssstink human." I immediately noticed an unpleasant smell, not the usual cat stink, but something I hadn't smelled in years. Snake. Very slowly I turned my head and beheld a huge black snake coiled up directly under my mailbox and mere inches from my feet. Hm.

Pancho was determined to attack him, and was probably the reason the snake was there. He'd chased him there from the wilderness of my overgrown yard. Of course, the snake struck and barely missed both of us. I lift-kicked poor, dumb Pancho away and took a good look. It's been a while, but I'm reasonably sure my serpenty visitor was a Rat Snake, and a pretty big one. Since I wasn't completely sure, and the mailman was due to arrive soon, I sent him on his way, with a twig and some helpful words, ("Go on, snake.") back to the overgrown bushes and ferns. Off he slithered. Pancho was pretty mad, but I can't afford vet bills at all now.

So, thanks, St. Patrick. Thanks for kicking all the snakes out of Ireland and forcing one of the refugees to find a home in my yard.

OK. That being said, please visit Truth Out on my links bar. If you're like me, this stuff will make you burn up, shake your fist and plot. If you're not like me, you won't believe it and will think it all a silly fable. Man, I wish that were true.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Redirected? Oh, I hope so!

I may finally have gotten this "site" officially "pointed at" by all the important parties. Please take a moment to leave comments below any post. If you immediately just scroll down the page a bit when visiting, you will not only see the comment area, but will also avoid the pesky adbar at the top of this page.

Oh, yess... Happy Nearly Birthday to FRANK OTTO WHO IS TURNING FORTY TOMORROW!

Above pics added entirely because of being too lazy to figure out photobucket at 6 am.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Tessstt..test..ahem. Is this on?

The comics pages are quite a mess. I hope to figure out how to fix this problem later. For now, relax and feel the confusion.
Oh, and how about a drawring?