Thursday, March 29, 2007

They Fight Crime

Hi Ho. Well, nothing to report on the contest. The board crumbled under the weight of all that traffic, so no results yet. Soon, I suppose.

Until then, please waste the time you intended to waste here visiting something that I personally cannot get enough of:

Just keep hitting the "Try Again"..I love it!

My birthday passed sleeplessly as I worked on the contest submission. Got some cards, fruit, and amusing, clever gift certificates-Thanks to those of you who remembered poor OLD me. At some point, I do intend to go a-drinking. Interested parties may contact me for details.

Also, here's some old thing I'm dredging up. I don't even know what I'm gonna pick yet. How exciting and unpredictable of me.

oooo. That was unpredictable. I saved my TIFF as a JPeg and got the weird-o color. I did it again and it was fine. Weird.

Well, I hope everyone will call a policewoman (and apparently cop a feel) instead of picking up guns from the garbage from now on.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Another new post?! WTF?

Attention Internets:
Mistress Ginny will treat you to another pointless entry in this now fully-armed and operational battlestatio-ah, BLOG!!!

I know, Dear Readers. You are saying "but she just updated, like, the other day!" First, please don't interject the word "like" unnecessarily into your speech or writings. You'll sound like a moron. Second, I am trying out the concept of semi-regular posts. Other people do it, so why can't I?

Well, I should have run right home and told the Internet sooner, but it seems my life has officially gone to Hell. In a handbasket, or handcart, depending on your upbringing. I'm a loser in EVERY possible way! Hooray! Please send monies.

Seriously, my house has come apart. I need big cash to get it fixed up for 20th, er, 21st century livin'. Does anyone out there know a plumber who would be OK with getting paid with comic books or drawings or something? Maybe money a little at a time. Do let us hear from you!

Also, please consider adopting a lovely cat. We have a variety to choose from. I'll post pictures one day. Then you'll really be sorry.

So, you may be wondering, "who's this 'we'?" I'm just a little tired is all. We'll be fine after some sleepies.uuuuu Hah! That last bit was Cat-Typing(TM). Actual Cat-Typing(TM). That's when some cat of mine lunges across the keyboard. In related news, I have a whole Bookmark folder full of Cat-Internet Searches(TM). It's weird the places they take you. Usually a lot of numbers and thrilling backdoor locations on forbidden Websites. Those crazy cats!

Alert: If you are tired of my job complaints, skip waaay down.
OK. Also, I need another job or I'm just going to lose it. Really just lose it some day soon. People, please tip well-or don't order delivery. Just sayin'. Incidentally, anything under 3 or 4 bucks is not a good tip. Cost of living goes up for us all, and gas is sooo not going to be less than 2 bucks ever again. Did I forget to mention the problem of robbery? If I'm going to risk my life for your convenience, please pay me accordingly. My life is totally worth more than 78 cents. Assholes. OOp! My first Blog expletive? I dunno.

I was recently offered a position at a bookstore, well, I should say a warehouse for the purpose of storing books to be sold on the Internet. That's how it's all done now. This very lovely person who frequented my former bookstore, offered me 7 bucks an hour to start. More, that is, 25 or 50 cents more per month over, say, 6 months, if he "liked my work." Part time and temporary until he was caught up. Did I mention he had known me for years and knew I had worked in this store for 13 years? A couple as manager. In all seriousness, I was offered less than half of my former wage to work for a store 45 minutes away. A less tolerant and jaded person would have been pretty darn insulted. I was just incredulous, speechless, and ultimately, had to turn down this generous offer. Honestly, no bookguy is going to be able to offer a lot of money. He's a nice guy and I wish I could have done it. I'd have been tempted if the place had been closer. I just honestly love books. I love to clean them, restore them, just handle them. Yes, I love me some books. But not enough to be sitting below the approaching minimum wage. I'm no good at haggling. I just don't feel I should do it. If you don't want me to work for you, just offer me a lousy wage. I'll just turn you down. I can't beg for more. It's just too stupid to play a game like that. When do you stop? I have to say it. I do. I just can't picture a man with the same experience being offered that wage. Don't agree? I'm not surprised.

I've been encouraged to pursue teaching as a profession. A fine and noble pursuit. Thing is, I think a teacher should be way smarter than I am. I hate to think my teachers were this underqualified. I guess they weren't, though. Standards are a lot lower now, I bet. No offense, V. You are an exception and are truly way smart. Also, my dad was a professor and so is my sister. I don't wanna look like I'm copying. But MAINLY, I remember that whole "...Those who can't - teach" thing. Super depressing for an artist to face. Even a spectaculary failed artist such as myself. *wades purposefully into Nile* Move aside, crocodile.

Then there's my personal life-oh! Look at the time!

Later, my humps!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Yaaaawwwwnn. ooo. Happy Anniversary, Blog.

rubs eyes
looks around
"Still no good."

Oh, well. Time to wake up, anyway.
So, my humps, I see the comments never flagged around here-thanks to Rob and Jake. Well, sooo much has happened and un-happened in the several months since last I blog-ged. No need to go into detail. Suffice to say nothing has changed at all.

I have lost a few of my dear little kittens, but I'm the only one who would care, so nevermind. I'll just start a cat lady blog and bore different people with all that.

I think I'll start drawing again. There's a contest I've been eyeing to that purpose. More on that as it either develops or fails to develop.

I'm glad Jakester has picked up a WACOM. I couldn't do without mine. I highly recommend it to all-drawers or no. Jake, do be mindful of the dread carpal tunnel syndrome, please. The stylus will lend itself to repetitive motion, especially when coloring. You go, boy! See you next weekend.

Let's much has happened in the world lately. Oh, well who cares what I think about all that? If you know me, you already are tired of hearing about it.

I'll give a shout out to my sister and her husband for running the big River Run here in a couple of days. I think it's either their 4th or 5th. Way to go, oldtimers!!!:)
Yes. I just did that :) thing. So what?

I'll shout out a big March Birthday thing here...Happy birthday to the following:
Vesper...the 12th?
Frank...the 15th
Me and 'Retha Franklin...the 25th.
I'll add more as my ancient memory allows.

'Kaaaay. I'll go now. Wouldn't want to spoil you with an insightful entry-oh incidentally, I do have to ask a pointed, rhetorical question..
Do many bloggers blog about cool, real-life stories in which they always win and are the most clever person they know? I know of at least one.


PS: Check this lovely shot Frank sent in. He must comb the interwobs a lot.