Rob, hope all is well. I haven't had a chance to speak to my sis since she got back, but I'll have to relate her adventures later on. Since I don't have any of my own.....except for that drag queen who tipped me 8 cents for delivering in that monsoon today.....sigh. I do think a new comic may be on its way: Delivery, the Comic Book.
Anyway, I'll be back at this once I get the preview done for Detroit's Finest. Gotta have it done by July 1. yeee.
Let's see. Having a hard time with a sick kitten. Having a hard time with a spraying cat. Car smells like Chinese food. I'm the only driver left again, except for this one Chinese guy who works all the time. Oh, wait. I did find someone to draw Windy City for me. I just need to convince him to do it for free. Just kidding. He's a very talented fella and I'll post something of his after I'm sure he's OK with that. I hope to involve him in a little project I'm developing. It will include some rather surprising guest creators, shall we say......
Anyway, I'm off to clean litter. Wow!
Oh, here's a little something. For color.

Aren't they cute?
Later, peep(s)
NEXT UP: JOHN and the Paper Doll Threat continues!
Jake here. Sorry to hear about how you're so busy. I do hope that you continue blogging, as it is a great way to stay in touch with folks. And you can find some way to integrate it with your regular site.
I am going to bring the dvd set down this time. I will find some way for you to pick it up -- such as having the parentals hold onto it so that you can come by and get it (if no time for hangage is available).
2006: A 12-Issue Limited Series
Welcome to June! Hope you survive the experience!
Good to hear from you again. Sorry about your cats; hope they are better soon. Is the one spraying because he's upset the other is ill?
Glad your sis is home all right.
8-cents, eh? Heh. Business is bad all 'round. (I remember in my "thank you come again" days, a guy who used to use our restroom to change from pants to a dress. Since his junker had Tennesee plates, we'd sing "Tennesee Stud" when he pulled in.")
Say, how big is your car? four or five more people, a DVD player, some networked computers, an ice chest . . .
Hey, Ginny. Wonderful to read of your adventures. Now, step away from the keyboard and draw your comic! Draw, draw, draw, or you won't get any pudding!
I figured once-a-month posting was really not too much of a distraction. How's that video game of yours moving along?
The game has been beaten and I have moved on to full-time graphic novelling. Is that a word? Anyway, the only real time I play the games now is when Scott sucks me into it. How ironic. He comes over to draw, but we invariably end up playing games for at least part of the day.
And you wonder why I must "create" in a vacuum?
That Scott! (shakes fist impotently)
Note from jake: my parents have your studio ghibli dvd set. Their no. is . Drop the decimals, call the no., and you can arrange to pick up the set.
Aww, dang, Jake. I wish I coulda seen you guys! My luck I had to pull doubles all weekend. My sister came to town this weekend too and I had to settle for stopping by her hotel room at an ungodly (for them) hour just to say Hi and Bye. I hate this job.
I'll contact your folks and thanks for bringing the set. Now I can watch my girlie anime again. sigh.
"Hayao Miyazaki Is Alive and Well After All!"
Rumors of being spirited away greatly exaggerated, etc. etc. Just sayin, in case you'd heard otherwise.
My girlfriend broke up with me right after the weekend was over. It left me pretty sad for a long time. I recently contacted her and said if she ever needed anything or just wanted to hang she knew how to get in touch with me.
I was extremely patient and kind. If she wants to be friends, that's fine. If not, plenty of other fish in the sea, and I can do better.
I'd been meaning to get over to A.B.C. to pick up a couple of books, and finally got around to it Sunday afternoon.
Man, I gotta work on my timing.
Plaid Knight,
Man, that sucks. Sorry about that.
Hey, Jake here again. I'll be in town this weekend if you want to get some Denny's or something. My ex and I are talking again and I think we are going to be able to be friends, which is good.
I'm ready for fall term to start up so more of my friends will be around.
I recently republished a review of a strange new videogame from Japan (of all places! They never make anything strange except for everything they make) It's over in my blog.
Jake, I am very sorry to hear your GF news and now better to hear it's more amicable.
I've been totally out of operation the past few weeks. deadlines, illness and such. I do wish to see you this weekend. Gimme a shout when you are free. I'll try to get some time away. Trying to get Detroit's Finest preview book done for WizardWorld Chicago. Also have flu. If I'm not infectious, I'll see you this weekend.
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