Avast, ye blog-lubbers!
Yo Ho Yo Ho, a driver's life fer me!
I'm ...just not feeling piratey enough tonight, laddies. Per'aps if I fails t' shower this evenin', I'll be more inclined. Hm. Per'aps some grog will do th' trick.....mmmm. Only wine coolers 'ere. Har! 'Twill take cases o' these t' do th' deed! [glug glug glug]
Avast! Me cat, Wheezy Sasha, 'as taken 'is perch on me shoulder. Urg! 'Is claws be needin' a trim. Trim th' claws, me hearties! Har!
Writin' down me adventures o' th' day...More like weavin' a spell t' put yer t' sleep, belikes! Har!
Well, that should be enough of that. Supposedly, somewhere back in the paternal family tree, resides one Edward Teach. I'm afraid his pirateness has diffused too much down the line to inspire me tonight.
OK. Been drivin' a lot. Making lousy tips this week. New driver came in and stole me prime hours. Oop. Still thinkin' pirate. Anyway, I'm going to need better hours if I'm going to stay on at Hot Wok. One dude's making twice as much as me working half my hours. I think it's time to start thinking big- Papa Johns. Woooo! man.
So, I totally know who all's dying in X-Men 3. Really no reason to see it, now. Except to see that cutiepie fake Russian guy who's playing Colossus.
Remember to stay through all the end credits, of course. What else is new?
Sounds like the DaVinci Code is less than good. Er, did I mention that I'm tired of remakes? Well, I am. I hereby challenge Hollywood to make a movie that will be something I have not seen before on TV, read in a book, or have already seen as a movie. I would really like to see a good historical biography, though. How about Thomas Jefferson, or Ben Franklin? These guys fascinate me and are only seen as bit parts in whatever made for TV movie or small film they've appeared in. The Adams boys, or maybe, [gasp], George Washington. Man, I am the most boring person alive.
I think I speak for all geek-o women my age when I ask: So when's an Elfquest movie ever gonna get made?
Well, the big news is my sister has landed in Sweden (Jonkoping, with little horizontal :s over the "o"s.) to teach for a month and I wish soooo bad I could go and stay, too. Real bad. Imagine-all the Swedish foam you could shake a stick at. Reindeer! Swedes! Swedish architecture! Weather! Oh, to be in the land of ABBA!
Well, here's the postcard:

If only I had a real career.....
Urg. That's it. I can't stands no more!
Next: An update on John of Spent Shell and what he sounds like and maybe we'll see about that paper doll idea I've been toying with.
Finally, a pirate based blog post. Finally. It's too early in the morning. Oh, no.
You're the coolest pirate lass ever!
Tell everyone I have a really cool British Accent.
John has got a really cool British accent. And so do I.
Personally, I'm jonesing for Joss to get around to doing the Buffy and Angel continuation books.
The liquid metal guy looks sort of interesting.
Not too pumped about The DaVinci Code, but Sir Ian McKellan had an interesting observation:
"I'm very happy to believe that Jesus was married. I know the Catholic Church has problems with gay people and I thought this would be absolute proof that Jesus was not gay."
Sir McKellan FTW (for the WIN)!
Hopefully I'll see/hear you on skype one of these days. -Jake
Good t' see yer broadsides again, lassie.
Hm. . . actually, my voice is remarkably like Cary Grant's. Or Richard Burton's. How about Tim Burton?
Ah, the da Vinci code. It's about as realistic as Spider-Man, but i've heard the book is a real page-turner. I've heard the movie is not so good.
as regards de Froozen Nort, bork bork bork, I took the train from denmark to sweden once. Got on the ferry at Helsingor and off at Helsingborg. Thought about "Ophilia" Leclerc, and also met a rather large Viking.
I wouldn't mind going back one day, but it was a -lot- more expensive than mainland europe.
I was just re-reading your original post. Man-alive, you sure are funny! You really need to post more. I need the laughs. Get posting Pirate!
Happy 29th Birthday!
Speaking of Colossus (He's Russian Metal!), anyone going to see X-Men III this weekend?
Or have all you cool guys already seen it?
British Accent?
Hmm. I think I'll work on a Baysian perl script -- input full text of Lorna Doone and Tam O'Shanter, and create an English-to-Canna_gie_ye_more_power translator.
It may come in handy for script writing.
How's your sister doing?
OK, I guess, thanks for asking. She should be back soon. Man, I'll update this thing soon, ya'll. I just gotta get some time offf. sssnnnnoooorrrre.
Anybody in Jax want some extra money? I know a place...
Cool! Hope she has a comfortable trip home.
Say, Vikings are kinda like Pirates, yes?
1:52AM? Get some sleep, girl!
Hey, this is Jake. I left you some messages on your machine. My girlfriend Blythe and I will be in Jville on the weekend of the 24th. Your company would be appreciated at some point. My cell no. is 904. 327
11 81. (just enter it as you normally would, I'm trying to avoid spambots.) Call me, e-mail, or write in my blog and we'll figure out the details.
Call you, beep you, when I want to reach you-you're Jake-Possible! I'll call you around that time. It's a little late when I get home. What day is this anyway? hey! Pleeeeeeze don't forget my Studio Ghibli set. I miss it. If I have something of yours, pipe up.
OK, Jake. I doubt I'll have any days off, but we can try. I work open to close, 7 days a week. If something happens, like I'm finally too tired to go to work, you can maybe find me at a nice quiet hospital. :)
A nice rest...yess. that would be so nice......
Coming next Friday: Al Gore, movie star. An Inconvenient Truth, starring the former vice president and missed-it-by-that-much presidential candidate, is scheduled to open in Jacksonville Friday, June 23. It's the film adaptation of his traveling show on the threat posed by global warming, and it's been getting many good reviews. Also scheduled: L'Enfant, a terrific film from Belgium.
Hey, Jake again here. I'll bring the set down this time around.
Have you considered migrating to livejournal? The artist community for it is quite a bit better.
Just popping in to say nice site.
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