Oh, it had to be the blog.
In other news, yay, Gators!
In more important news, yay, Jill Carroll!
Oh, hey. Here's a photo from MegaCon this past February, in Orlando. This young lady stopped by and got a couple of sketches from me. In this photo, she is "hand posing" for me. I wrote her name down, but can't find it now. Thanks, whomever you are. I appreciated your stopping by and your reaction was quite worth the day of sitting around anime hell.

Nothing much to report here. I made some pasta salad so the vegetables wouldn't go bad. The giant citrus reward I received last week for rescuing a little doggie is nearing the end of its edibility. What's left over is going to make the garbage men mad at me. I've gained a little weight from my ice cream spree. I think Pico's OK, if a little too sassy. It's hot as hell in my house. The raccoons were super cute tonight, playing on my patio like cats. hm.
That's it. I'd planned a whole diatribe, but I just don't have it in me tonight. And who'd want to hear about it anyway? Besides, my next potential employer may be out there, watching....
It was probably the money. It's always the damn money. Don't worry G, a life of leisure is right around the corner. At least I hope it is. I watched some of the making of HELLBOY today and maybe we'll end up like Mike Mignola (giddy as hell about seeing his work on the big screen and cashing a big stinking check). Or we'll be living in matching refrigerator boxes under a highway off-ramp. Sigh.
Blast. Sorry about the job!
Just saw this and thought of y'all:
How to spot a pirate
So, what we need now is "How to spot a Ninja."
Wait! Nobody spots a ninja!
Listen, I don't want you to give up on blogging. There's nothing really bad about what's here, but you could always have a different blog solely devoted to your artwork and have your url point to that. I might suggest that instead.
But keep on blogging. It's good for you. By the way, anime hell is something different from what you've described, and is actually good and fun and t3h WIN: .
Oh, fellas, I know it's the money, but I was just hoping...
John, I'm going to need a couple of those refrigerator boxes. I have a lot of stuff. Fortunately, I've been planning for my homelessness for a while and have collected important contacts for us on the street. It's much warmer in the winter here, so I'd suggest being homeless in Fl-waitaminnit! You're going to make TONS of money! You always have that law enforcement thing to fall back on.
Rob, I tried to go to that site, but my isp is so liberal, it wouldn't let me on. :) Or maybe the link expired, I dunno. BTW, I spotted a ninja just last night!
Jake, I don't always entirely understand your cr4zy m00n language, but I was definitely in anime hell at MegaCon. I'm all for free expression, but I just wish MC was still a comic con. At least some, anyway. Now, it seems to just be a big warm-up for Jacon. Nice to see you Sat. Next time, we'll hang at Denny's. Cool fight there the other night, cops and everything...
I'm pretty warmed-up for JACON, that's for sure. And I'll be attending the Anime HELL ( event there, which I am really looking forward to.
I have about 23 pages to write by next friday, and am going to be in jville busy between writing, reading a 400 page novel by monday, and working on my cosplay costume. WHEEEEEEEEE!
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