Hope Pancho stays clear til I relocate Poisonous Patrick. At least my ex got a laugh out of it. brother.
Anyway, I got to go to the Bausch & Lomb Tennis Championships last night, thanks to some very generous friends. That was waay cool! Saw the #1 seed Petrova beat the heck out of Shaughnessy. Russians! Then, a fill-in doubles match which was actually more fun. Love those funny noises they make. One chick sounded like that babydoll you turn over that cries. Interesting to see these people up close, and Amelia Island is always so pretty and full of rich people. sigh. I need to make some money.
Workin' on the comic Detroit's Finest tonight as well as thinking over a possible pizza delivery. Dang. I'm trying to lose weight, but I just can't stop with the pizza! Well, it is Friday and I am a loser stuck at home, so...
Hey, all the comics pages for Windy City have slipped behind the old posts, so if anyone is looking for them (HA!) click on the oldest posts and they'll turn up in the sidebar. I've still not learned enough about making a page for them, but I will. really. And then, it'll be Comics Magic (tm).
Here's a wee sketch for another little project I need to finish:

That is a loverly kitty kat. How ever do your draw kitties without any references? Oh, yeah, you do have a reference or two around. Snakes are all dangerous, even little ones. Here's a pretty funny link, check it out:
I really enjoyed meeting you on Saturday evening for eggs, coffee, and a bit of a brownie.
I am really lucky to be your pal.
Why couldn't it have been Snakes on a Plane?
By the way, the Silent Hill movie was pretty good! I'm a little disappointed with some of the things they changed (Samael, The Order, Dahlia), but these are generally minor quibbles. It's a beautiful movie to look at, too.
Where are you G? We need more blogging around here...
Agreed. Try to do one or two entries a week. I enjoy it, and for me it's cheaper than therapy.
Hear, hear.
Ginnio, Ginnio, wherefore arrrt thou, Ginnio?
Hope things are going well for you!
Oh, now I'm just embarrassed! Sorry, fellas, but I got a lousy new job and have quite neglected things around here! I hope to get into the routine soon and will be back with one heck of a long post. It will bore the pants off you!
Hey, Rob, you can use the Other identity unless you enjoy being Anonymous.
Jake, thanks for being my pal. I'm lucky, as well.
John, I'll be a talking at you over at www.spentshellpress.com Message Board! Shameless! Ya'll get over there and register your asses up. Now! Pretty please?
I saw this on a buddy's livejournal and was instantly reminded of my abortive attempt at a postmodern interactive movie cthulhu game:
er, Huh? You lost me there, Jake.
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