My beleagured cat, Pico, has a severe urinary tract infection. This involves the formation of bacterial crystalline structures inside his urethra. Yes, his urethra. This is a very dangerous condition as it blocks off his ability to urinate. This of course leads to toxification of his bloodstream and rather rapid, painful death.
In order to save his life, the vet had to unblock the pathway by "massaging" the crystals from his, er, lower urethra. Pico has a very large belly, but the rest of him is still cat-sized. This process is so painful that Pico had to get the cat laughing gas to endure it. Imagine the procedure for the vet.
The vet advised keeping him overnight after his ordeal, and then one more night just to be sure the crystals have not reformed. I have been told that he is resting much more comfortably than before and I will hope to get him home tomorrow.

Still loving these posts, John?
In other news, I have a follow-up interview tomorrow for a job. This brings me to a sudden realization. This website address is on my resume as I used to have actual artwork samples on the old site. Hmmm. Potential employers may accidentally wander on to this...thing. Not great. I need to get cracking on a real art site ASAP. In the meantime:
I'm a loyal, hard-working girl with no vices and a love for humanity.
Ginny is a fine, upstanding, hard-working young lady. She should be hired immediately! Good to hear that Pico had a nice massage and is doing much better. And yes G, I am still a big fan of the blog!
Ginny is awesome, hard-working, and would be an asset to any job team. I am glad to hear that Pico is doing better.
Wow! Work reviews in real-time! This may be the way of the future!
Seriously, thank you, guys! Your checks are in the mail.
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