Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Man, I got some cats. Would anyone like a lovely cat? Tonight, I can't sleep for worrying about one in particular. Pico is my oldest and seems to be having a lot of trouble today. I'll have to carry him off to the doc tomorrow, or I should say, this morning. I hope he makes it that long.
Well, I don't know what else to do but post an old, weird drawing.

This is Bandit's teacher,"Stick," from Windy City. I shouldn't call him that, but I have for so many years, it's hard to remember not to.


Anonymous said...

Hope your kitty is okay. By the way, you are a natural born blogger. Your blog musings crush mine. You are a god(dess) among ants.

Possum Pirate Press said...

HahHah hah! [Crushing ants] hahahahah!
But seriously, John. Your blog musings leave me tearful almost every time:) And hungry, too. Stop talking about donuts at once!
Pico is in hospital now. I hope to collect him tomorrow am. Thanks for asking after him.