..ice cream. Man, I've eaten too much today. I've sat here all day, trying to draw and wait for the phone to ring. With a job offer.
Well, I want to once again ask all, what, 3 of you to travel that short internet distance to www.spentshellpress.com and encourage John and myself. We need some encouraging. I need to get some GD drawings done for him to decorate the place and some pages finalized instead of jumping from one to another to another in a pathetic attempt to just do easy parts and think the rest of it over for the millionth time. He doesn't need to be encouraged so much as he needs to be congratulated for his real-life bad guy ass-kicking and clever web logging. He's already done with his part of Detroit's Finest. Oh, yeah. Except getting it published. man.
Hey, thanks, ya'll for the nice words an' wishes. I hope to make it to forty-one now. (I set small goals.)
Since I'm too full to reach the scanner, I'm going to rehash a little favorite of mine. I did this for John, kept it in my Cafepress image basket so I could access it online, but they kicked it off, for now obvious reasons. Geez. Not like I was gonna make a t-shirt of it or anything.

Heehee. I just loved Maude. So, this reminds me, if you guys want anything (non-copyrighted, of course) on a t-shirt or whatever else is on that pathetic cafepress thing, tell me. I'll draw it and upload it, making it quite available for you to PURCHASE FROM ME. You know, so I can pay my bills and feed my furry kids! I'm working on Detroit's Finest swag, oop! Out of the bag, John. And I need to finish 2 commissions for my long-suffering fanboys and then I'll be officially not drawing anything but Detroit's Finest. Yep. Windy City's on hold again. Hey, 3 new pages are more than I've done in 3 years...
Think it over, Dear Readers. Your favorite character on a potholder or coffee mug. The possibilities are terrifying!