Thursday, March 26, 2009


I missed my own birfday. lol
this is the placeholder for my lengthy post i'll doubtless add tonight.
see ya!


Anonymous said...

Still waiting on the lengthy post!

What, the keyboards at the library broken, too?


Rob said...

Happy Easter/Passover/Pascha, y'all!

Cathulhu! said...


One finds the niftiest stuff on the intarnet! said...

Anntsy: She-Wolf of the Republicanistical Reich"

I am the very model of the modern antiliberal,
Bloviating bile inimical, miasmal, and criminal.
Knuckle-dragging neocons deem me something of an oracle,
Though educated people find my arguments rhetorical;
In skewering straw men I'm both relentless and fanatical;
My use of attribution, though, is somewhat problematical.
For grieving 9/11 widows I have nothing but abuse,
And pray all those wimpy liberals will be hanging from a noose.
I am vicious, rude, malicious, crude, and medically factitious;
And my injudicious outbursts mark a character fictitious.
In short, in matters forgettable, cannibal, and criminal,
I am the very model of the modern antiliberal.
-- Which means a plagiarist: why sweat when one can always crib a pearl?
(This tends, I must confess, to make my writings most ephemeral.)
When Truth and Reason flee in dread, I'll give a Nazi fib a whirl.
I used to be a manly man but now am just a ribby girl.
I am the very model of the modern antiliberal!

Anonymous said...

And it continues:

Living loveless in New York, I've refined my voting etiquette
Casting ballots more than once here, as well as in Connecticut.