Saturday, January 31, 2009


Posting blogs under the influence is a baaaad idea.
Happy February!

Today marks the 13th anniversary of a profoundly bad event in my life. And let's leave it at that.

I've had 13 years to improve and change my life. Taking stock, I am not impressed...

I have not learned any foreign languages. (why do people always want to do that?)
I have not traveled much of anywhere. I did get to fly finally. yay. got to Chicago. yay.
I have not had a decent relationship. Big surprise.
I have not improved my finances. They have never been worse.
I do not have a career at 42. Unbelievable.
I have never achieved a positive milestone that didn't turn out negatively.
I am not sure what to do next or if there even is a next. Maybe there's just more of the same.
I have not expanded my skills in anything.
I have not finished anything I've started.
I have yet to make a good connection in anything.
I have still not learned to mistrust.
i still don't protect myself.
i still tell too much truth when I should just shut up.

Stay tuned to see if I can come up with a list of stuff that is good about the last 13 years.


Anonymous said...

List of good stuff:

1) Ran in to Rob again.

Anonymous said...

Can't you do something that you know is good for you, that you know you need to do?

Like draw?

Anonymous said...

Like a funny webcomic called "Thirteen Years?"

Possum Pirate Press said...

well. maybe so. i'm still thinking, btw.....
#1 is a good start, rob. ;)