Thank whomever --deity of your choice--for it. We have a new president. Barack Obama was not my first choice, or even my second one, but I'll take him. Honestly, I cannot understand anyone who wanted another term that in any way extended, or mirrored, this last fella. He was a disgrace to the office in ways that just cannot be measured. How do you begin to guess the true effect, the gravity, of the lies and neglect this president has perpetrated on the country and the world? How much have we suffered in reputation with the rest of the world? And yeah. That does matter. Only the supremely arrogant fail to understand that we are just one power, one country, in a big world. And a failing world power, at that.
Compare this war and the crimes it brings with it to a case of adultery. Go ahead. I dare you. Even Nixon didn't tear this place up the way W has.
An obvious action would be impeachment, but The Dems, still timid and shy of taking full charge, have no stomach for it and I think Obama has put such a positive spell on DC that it would be counterproductive to bum the country out. No matter how utterly appropriate an impeachment of Bush would be. If lying to go to war and lying to stay at war and lying to protect yourself and your friends from the shame and embarrassment of admitting a mistake-- a mistake that was hardly an honest one and that has cost thousands their lives--if that's not cause for impeachment, I honestly don't know what is.
But, we'll move on. And we'd better hurry to catch up to the rest of the world as there's been plenty going on and lots to do. We have problems to help solve and business to attend to that has effectively been put on hold for EIGHT YEARS. Eight. I cannot believe the time we have wasted. It has been excruciating to stand here and witness. Being told for 8 years that we aren't patriots, don't love our country, that we're godless and diseased for the beliefs we have.
Don't worry, Repubs, as much as my animal nature would relish dishing out the same to you, there's just no point to it and it seems we have finally got a leader capable of working with you and willing to include you. Genuinely able to unite. What a challenge that will be, as the tear-down commenced even as Obama reached out in his acceptance speech. It's easy to get angry over the comments I've heard and the "journalism" campaigning to smear democratic ideals after the campaign was lost, seeking to disrupt and destroy a person who has asked for, and won, the right to do the most thankless job in the country.
But then I just smile. I'm smiling in disbelief and delight as I have to remind myself that no matter the future, the nightmare is effectively over. The country's nightmare was never the economic crisis or even the war. It has been the climate of intolerance and acceptance of mediocrity we have been held hostage by for the last eight years. It has been the suppression of freedom of thought and action vital to a healthy democracy that has been our downfall. I don't care what happens now, putting that behind us has restored my faith in the future and the greatness of this country.
We finally dug ourselves free of self-imposed imperialism and chose democracy again.
Welcome back, USA.
This is Jake. I felt so happy watching the election coverage live on They had a live video feed, an animated map of the states showing how they were going, and a running twitter comment feed at the bottom. I almost did not want to watch the coverage because I did not want to be disappointed, but as I watched it I realized that not only were we going to win, but we were going to win by a large margin. I'm proud of our country, and I think the next four years will be ones where we take our pride back and start making America the kind of country it ought to be.
Although it wasn't classy, we set off fireworks and cheered outside (many of our neighbors are racist dumbf-cks who'd rather inflict another eight years of B*sh than vote for a man who happens to be black.)
And thank heaven Failin' Palin did not become Vice President of the USA. What a horrible choice for a second in command.
And then I watched Zeitgeist: Addendum on Google video and found myself thinking sad and scary thoughts. I fervently hope that the country has the collective will and courage to make the changes it NEEDS to make, instead of doing only what's comfortable or convenient or expedient.
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