Q: "So this is a multi-agency/studio working through a website, which acts like a portal?"
A: Hm. I don't think so, if I get your meaning, Spyros. There will be a central structure as we will be actually working together on all projects, assigning work as needed, where appropriate. I see the members as being partners in the one company.
I have yet to actually clarify this thought. Thanks, Spyros!
Really, the site is to give the agency a professional, united front and a place to actually sell from.. I don't think individuals will be played up at all, so the client won't get the schizo feel I've seen in other attempts to just get a bunch of people together and "be a studio."
As an agency, we'll be a one-stop for a (hopefully) limitless range of style, technique and services. And can provide it all in tiers of affordability. All things to all people.
Each member will have a hand in chasing down work, even creating the need for our work, in some cases. Maybe they'll have themselves in mind as being the artist for that job, or maybe they'll be thinking "oh, Doc would be perfect for that!" That'll come as we develop our membership and become more aware of our abilities.
That's where it will become a challenge. Can an artist let go of themself enough to be part of a group that creates together? Once we see the benefits of a group situation, providing things we couldn't get alone, I think it will work. I'm counting on it.
More Q&A to come, Folks!
The way I see this, and if I understand it right, it actually is like I said:
-A team of creators working Together on All Projects, or in partial smaller teams= a studio.
-A site when the works will be displayed AND would be selling stuff, AND it will work for finding new projects (=Agency) =a portal.
The name doesnt have any meaning anyway. I think I know what you re trying to do, and trust me its not so easy, especially to organise it.
I've been trying to finish a comic strip portal/site for half a year now, with just 7 creators at the moment, and I still am between meetings all day!
OK, well, maybe I didn't understand you then. Here's what I thought you meant.
I see a "portal" as a kind of entry, one address, with links into multiple areas, or sites, all created by separate people, but just having the appearance of being cohesive. There are portals of like-minded groups, like Peace groups, Environmental groups, but they don't work together on a regular basis so much as they share a goal and want to provide one easy place for people to view them.
A studio is a term that gets overused around here in the States. In my experience, it's a loose group of guys who have one name they work under, but do tend to work on the projects together mostly. They hang for awhile, then they leave, no strings attached. They don't have contracts or any real glue to hold together.
A traditional studio in my understanding is the creation of one artist who uses others of less mature talent to assist in his work. It is identified as being the work of one artist and is more a place of teaching and developing skills of the budding artist in the cause of helping the elder artist get his commissions done.
I don't think of this enterprise in any of those ways, specifically, but I can sure see some overlap.
The term Agency is more a structured business term, where everyone involved is understood to be employed by this entity and has a particular role in it. It also, as a legitimate business, will have buying power for its employees--for the purpose of group health and retirement or investment. Things too expensive for one person to aquire here.
In any case, you're right as the name means nothing until we define it for ourselves. And I can see right now that it will be a difficult task to bring this together. It's why I guess I've been putting this off for so long. But I just need to try this out and hope to do so with the best possible approach.
But time is a'wastin' and I'm not getting anywhere just thinking about it, so it's "go-time" this year.
I wish you luck with your portal and if you have any ideas or just a pitfall to share, I'd sure appreciate it!
lol, basically we say the same (or better, we have the same in our minds.)
Whateve you need ask me, the "Man of Ideas" for no reason! :p
Plus, if you want me involved in any way in this, I'll be glad to help. (Except coloring anything or photoshop/net stuff related, html whatever, I no nothing about it)
I just noticed you have an RSS feed. I'll add you to my RSS feed aggregator so I will be able to rapidly respond to anything you put in possumpiratepress.
Hey you. Sorry I was dead on my feet the other day. I was up for 24 hours and had that weird 4 day cold thing.
Anyway above is a link for a call to artist for a show about heads and you are the queen of men's heads
SlowArt Productions presents the group thematic exhibition, A Show of Heads. The exhibition will be held at the Limner Gallery from Nov 1-29, 2008. Open to all artists working in any media, this exhibition will include all interpretations and portrayals of the human head, from the traditional to the abstract and conceptual. All visions of the The Head, including partial and multiple heads, will be reviewed and considered.
A Show of Heads is open to all artists, national and international, working in all media. All forms of art are eligible. Entrants must be 18 years of age or older to apply.
$2600 in publication awards will be presented. First prize is a two page spread in next issue of Direct Art Magazine. Second and third place artists will receive a single page spread
All I gots to say is, I dig your goatee.
I was talking to a friend today and she reminded me of another friend we have in common (Linda Johnson lbjdesign-at-comcast.net) that was interested in something that sounds very similar to what you are wanting to do. I have not talked to her in some time, but I thought you might want to email her and see if you guys can help each other. She is local, so that might be a help. She is a professional freelance designer, marketing person. I knew her from my old freelance breakfast meetings. She seems pretty on top of things and if you guys have the same focus, it might be really great. She also reminds me a bit of Lynda Carter - so, um... bonus!
That's it. Just thought of you and thought an extra lead couldn't hurt.
Good luck,
Kevin and I were talking about Linda tonight and thought of one more. Gwen at prizmgraphics.com. She has also expressed interest in the same thing. You probably know her through Roxanne, or have at least heard of her. Anyway, another local person. Give her a call.
Hey, Lena, and thanks a lot for the ideas! I reckon some women artists want the same thing. har. I'll have to look them up and see what we can do about all this.
Lynda Carter connection=bonus. *spins*
Well, I am slow on progress these past couple of weeks. Lots of work and food allergy probs, but I hope to be back on track soon.
First is the plea for help to small biz helpers, then a plan. Then funds.
There's a part of the city that is in dire need of revitalizing. Maybe there's an angle to be worked here. Small businesses that will need cheap advertising. Lots of small businesses. hmmmm
Real posting later. Still very dizzy.
Oh, and thanks, Rox for the Men's Heads thing. Wow. I hope it's still on. What a dream!
And that's Spyros' self portrait, not mine, anonymous smarty.
I'll post any self-portraits! THERE's an angle!
I'll upload my self-portrait, as soon as I find my crayons.
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