Happy Second Birthday, Possum Blog!
OK. Anyway...I have been otherwise engaged over at Dimestore Productions this past year. As I said before, I can't see the point of a blog and really just wanted a place to show my work, so I now direct you to:
to see my stuff for Windy City and even a bit of old freelance work. I'll be updating the galleries there soon with LOTS of new stuff. The above image is a preview of the cover to Windy City's Mysterious Visions Anthology appearance. No issue # or date on that yet.
Please do contact me over at ComicSpace or at possumpiratepress AT Yahoo. You know the drill.
Well, since I'm here, I'll do a cat report. I have even more and need donations and adoptions, People! I'll be your best friend! Even if you just want to foster some cats or kittens, that would be great.
Poor old Pico is on his last legs. He was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism last year and I can't afford the therapy he needs, so my big man is all skin and bones now. Don't know how much longer he'll be around. He's trying to rest his head on my mouse arm right now and is pretty perturbed I keep moving it to type.
I'm going to try to get an outdoor enclosure built here soon for everyone. That will be super for me as it'll way reduce my litter cleanings and save a TON of money. First I gotta concentrate on saving my house from foreclosure, though. ;) It wouldn't do to have all these guys homeless, would it?
I seriously need some donations here, even if it's just a bag of Publix dry food or old towels, or paper towels. Everything will be used for the care of these fellas. If you are a capable hand at building, I'll especially need a hand in making this enclosure. If you're not handy, 5 or 10 bucks will go a long way to helping buy materials for this project.
I plan to file for non-profit staus asap, but need the $ to do that, even. That will help in receiving donations that I can ensure will be tax-deductible for you guys and will help me get in a program for low cost food at Science Diet. Nobody wants to help take these guys in, so I'm on my own.
Spay and Neuter, People!
Hah-ha! Rob, thanks for the birthday wishes! I should mention, however, that _Bandit's_ birthday is in October, but I'll happily take the credit.
42. How the heck did that happen, anyway?
Okay, so you're more like Bandit's mommy.
42. I don't know.
Not sure exactly what i expected, but I didn't expect this.
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