OK. Been working on this for so long my eyes are bleeding and I've taken to wearing spectacles.

OK. Not this drawing in particular, but a preview book for Wizard World Chicago. A preview book for Detroit's Finest, of which this is the "cover".. 8 or 12 pages, I forget now, of preview for John to press into the tiny hands of convention-goers. This coming weekend. man. I won't go into it all now, but it is the hardest mini I've ever done, and I really don't recommend trying to do one and working a lot at another job. I had to quit to get it done on time. Yes. You heard it. I left the world of Chinese Delivery. awwwww. I guess it's time for bigger things. Like working at Wendy's.
Ooo! I gotta go or it won't be July anymore! More on this story as it develops!
Happy July! Ha!